12 giugno 2020

DEPART GALLERY discover the exhibition until June 15th, 2020 on the Art Brussels Gallery Viewer. Wolfram Ullrich


For the Gallery Viewer room, Dep Art Gallery is pleased to present the geometric colours of Wolfram Ullrich. After the recent exhibition at the Museum fur Konkrete Kunst, Ingolstadt, the gallery proposes the shapes and the optic illusions created by German artist: a solo show with a selection of fifteen artworks acrylic on steel through which the artist keeps experimenting, taking his investigations from construction to perception.

YouTube Channel

The Dep Art Gallery channel is enriched with new content, here are the news:

Wolfram Ullrich


Turi Simeti

Dep Art Gallery, Via Comelico 40, 20135 Milano
tel. +39 0236535620
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