The prince wears the cat of the cost palace [entry]

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The prince wears the cat of the cost palace [entry]


If she can convince Murong Yang, Yuchi Jing’s side may be much easier to handle. Princess, I will go with you. Qing Li came out and said he wanted to go with her. Fan Xi saw that Rong Cha was not looking for Wei Chi Jing, but also relented and sent only some people to follow her. Soon is his birthday party, Murong Yang is happily trying on new clothes in the bedroom today. As soon as Rong Cha and Qing Li came over, they saluted her, “Your Majesty, the female emperor, for thousands of generations!” With a friendly smile, Murong Yang clenched his skirt with both hands, turned around and asked Rong Cha, “You’re just in time. What do you think of my phoenix robe?”? I’m going to wear this on the day of the birthday party. Had it not been for the luxurious embellishment on her body, she would indeed be like an 18-year-old girl at this time. Rong Cha looked around and saw the scarlet phoenix robe, which was as warm as fire. The pattern on the phoenix robe is unique and exquisite, which seems to be blooming in the burning flame. She smiles softly: “The female emperor is the natural beauty, is also the elegance peerless, certainly is wears anything to look good.” Murong Yang listened, but the smile is gradually fading away, turned, looking at the landing of the bronze mirror, hair will be in a daze. Rong Cha was puzzled and asked, “Does Your Majesty have something on her mind?”. Or is this phoenix robe not to your liking? Murong Yang shook his head and sighed softly: “No.”. It’s just that everyone praises me for looking good in this phoenix robe, but I always feel something’s wrong. “This phoenix robe is not suitable for the female emperor.” As soon as Murong Yang finished sighing, Qing Li lifted his eyes out of the blue and said, “I think that the temperament of the female emperor is not flamboyant, and it is not suitable for red.”. Pure white can better set off the unique beauty of Your Majesty. Hearing what he said, Rong Cha was suddenly enlightened. No wonder she felt that today’s Murong Yang, compared with what she saw last time, lacked something. The reason lies in the color of the phoenix robe. Murong Yang’s temperament is noble, but his temperament tends to be quiet, and his appearance is not gorgeous, but more inclined to the cold iceberg beauty. On the contrary, red will cover up the advantages of her appearance and make her look a little contrary. On the exclusive silver hair crown of the female emperor, there are several peacocks spreading their wings, which are gorgeous and luxurious. If you change into a white phoenix robe, Murong Yang’s whole person will look like a pure and noble lotus on the top of Kunlun Mountain. Sure enough, men’s eyes are more real. Rong Cha secretly gave Qingli a thumbs-up. Murong Yang was stupefied and took a few more glances at Qingli. Since she tried on the phoenix robe, no one dared to say that it was not good-looking. Even Wei Chi Lian gave her a perfunctory answer, not as good as a strange man. Thinking of this, Murong Yang’s eyes were covered with a layer of dense fog. Murong Yang could not show his timidity in front of outsiders. He turned his eyes sideways, interactive whiteboard prices , cleared his throat, and asked, “Do you have something important to do when you come to look for me today?” Rong Cha nodded solemnly. In fact, I want to ask your majesty, did your majesty take in the original prince of the Western Jin Dynasty, Wei Chi Lian? “That’s right.” Murong Yang’s eyes floated out of the window and fell on the gardenias in the courtyard. To tell you the truth, Wei Chi Lian helped me a lot after he came to West Chu. His father and mother had carried out new policies in the territory of Western Chu, abolished slavery and advocated people to engage in business, many of which had already aroused the discontent of the nobles of Western Chu. When his father and mother were alive, there was no trouble. But when they died, all the burdens fell on me. “Many nobles and courtiers deceived me. A young girl had just taken charge of the government of Western Chu, and her foundation was unstable. She played every day, trying to force me to overthrow the policy of my father and mother and restore the old policy.”. Riots also broke out one after another in various places. I am really overwhelmed by the ideals left by my father and mother, and I can’t continue. Wei Chi Lian helped me calm down many incidents, for which I want to thank him. “Moreover, my parents hope that one day, the world can’stop fighting and everyone is equal ‘.”. Only he can help me realize this ideal. Rong Cha listened and silently lowered his eyes. Over the past few years, the dog prince has been fighting everywhere, making the countries hate him so much that they can’t kill him quickly. Compared with it, Wei Chi Lian does seem to be more likable. However, Murong Yang’s parents thought too far ahead. In the era before she crossed, Murong Yang’s ideal has not yet been realized, not to mention the present era. “Your Majesty, although everything depends on human effort, there are some things that ordinary people can’t achieve. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.” “I understand.” Murong Yang turned to laugh and said, “My parents are like this.”. Wisdom is bound to hurt, they just want to do too many things, so that when they are not old, they die. So I don’t want to be like them. I want to do something I like. Thinking, Murong Yang’s eyes were slightly shaking, and broken gold appeared in the sun, and his cheeks were stained with the unique shyness of a young woman. Rong Cha looked at the eyes, heart way, this female emperor will not be depressed for a long time, will the feelings think too good, and then put a heart on that Wei Chi Lian body? She looked into Murong Yang’s eyes and reminded him, “It’s a very painful thing to ask but not to get it. Please don’t get into a deep trap.” But Murong Yang asked in reply, “Do you like Yuchi Jing very much?” Rong Cha raised his eyes in surprise. Murong Yang added, “Actually, your father is not ill. Did you ask me for the antidote for him?”? If you don’t like it, why would you do that? And why did you come to see me today? Rong Cha was just about to speak when an unexpected person came in first. The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me from 2020-01-04 22:14:38 to 2020-01-05 22:11:20. Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: hhhhhJ, LYL. 1 bottle; Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! Imprisonment Rong Cha watched helplessly as Wei Chi Lian came in and interrupted all her words. Wei Chi Lian’s face was warm and moist, and he was dressed in a blue robe, as if he were coming from the slanting wind and drizzle in the south. And in his eyes, there seems to be more ice edges. I have seen Her Majesty the Empress. After coming in, he first made a salute to Murong Central Bank.