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Anarchetiquette – graffiti e parole da leggere, conservare e capire
La mostra esplora la comunicazione spontanea rimuovendo e preservando graffiti, simboli e scritte sui muri prima dell’abbattimento degli edifici o del restauro delle superfici su cui sono posti
Comunicato stampa
Segnala l'evento
Daniele Pario Perra
graffiti e parole da leggere, conservare e capire / graffiti and words to read, preserve and understand
6-17 dicembre 2011
Urban Center Bologna - Biblioteca Salaborsa
Piazza Nettuno, 3 Bologna
mar - ven 10-20 / sab 10-19
Opening martedi' 6 dicembre 2011 - ore 18.00
La mostra "Anarchetiquette - graffiti e parole da leggere, conservare e capire" curata da Daniele Pario Perra, con la collaborazione di Christina Kreps e Roberta Waldbaum della University of Denver e il Centro Internazionale di Impegno Civico, inaugura martedi' 6 dicembre p.v. presso l'Urban Center Bologna.
La mostra "Anarchetiquette - graffiti e parole da leggere, conservare e capire" esplora la comunicazione spontanea rimuovendo e preservando graffiti, simboli e scritte sui muri prima dell'abbattimento degli edifici o del restauro delle superfici su cui sono posti. La mostra e' l'evento espositivo e finale dei workshop Fresco Removal, azioni pubbliche in cui si insegna agli abitanti di una comunita' come rimuovere graffiti di testo o simboli ritenuti esemplari e la loro successiva posa su tela al fine di conservarli per sempre. I partecipanti raccolgono e conservano le comunicazioni autentiche, non filtrate dai media, nella propria comunita', preservando questo patrimonio intangibile come manifestazione del pensiero collettivo. Il workshop, accompagnato dalla mostra, ha avuto piu' di trenta edizioni pubbliche e gratuite, in diverse citta' tra l'Europa e gli Stati Uniti, in cui sono state raccolte centinaia di simboli e scritte sui muri. L'asportazione dei messaggi avviene attraverso la tecnica dello strappo, che grazie alla posa di colla naturale e garza sulla superficie consente la rimozione di pochi millimetri di intonaco e la successiva posa su tela. Il metodo e' conosciuto fin dal tempo dei romani, con un perfezionamento tecnico rilevante e costante dal '700 ad oggi, e i prodotti utilizzati sono tutti naturali e idrosolubili.
Le scritte sui muri e i messaggi raccolti, riconducibili a formazioni o tendenze politiche, movimenti culturali, musicali ed altri, rappresentano profondamente la cultura degli ultimi decenni attraverso la differenziazione per gruppi e il relativo senso di appartenenza. Un'analisi pura della comunicazione spontanea della citta'senza dimenticare il rapporto con il magico, l'invisibile e il mitologico, che il DNA di ogni luogo racchiude nel proprio patrimonio intangibile e poetico.
La mostra a ingresso libero rimarra' aperta dal 6 al 17 dicembre 2011 nei giorni feriali, dalle 10.00 alle 20.00, dal martedi' al venerdi' e il sabato, dalle 10.00 alle 19.
A completamento del progetto avra' luogo nella giornata del 14 dicembre, alle ore 17 l'Incontro Pubblico, "La comunicazione (urbana), parole, oggetti, comportamenti - e scritte sui muri" a cui interverranno: Kristina Kreps - Universita' di Denver Francesco Morace - Futureconceptlab Renzo di Renzo - Heads Collective Daniele Pario Perra - Anarchetiquette
Roberta Waldbaum - Universita' di Denver
che si terra' presso l'Auditorium Enzo Biagi della BibliotecaSalaborsa di Bologna
The exhibition, Anarchetiquette - graffiti and words to read, preserve and understand", curated by Daniele Pario Perra together with Christina Kreps and Roberta Waldbaum from the University of Denver and the Centro Internazionale per l'Impegno Civico, will be presented on December the 6th at the Urban Center of the Salaborsa Library in Bologna.
The exhibition, "Anarchetiquette - graffiti and words to read, preserve and understand", explores spontaneous communication by clearing away and preserving the graffiti, symbols and writings before the demolition of the relative buildings or the restoration of the surfaces where they are located. The exhibition is the final event of the Fresco Removal workshops, public actions where members of a community are taught how to remove writing or symbols of graffiti that are considered exemplar and how to tranfer them onto canvas in order to preserve them forever. The project participants collect and preserve the authentic communications, which are not filtered by the media, in their own communities, preserving this intangible heritage as a demonstration of collective thought. The workshop, together with the exhibition, has had more than thirty public and free editions in different cities throughout Europe and in the United States, where there has been a collection of hundreds of symbols and graffiti. The removal of the messages is done through a technique of tearing, which thanks to the laying of natural glue and gauze on the surface allows the removal of a few millimeters of plaster and the subsequent laying on canvas. This method has been used since the Roman Age, with relevant and constant technical improvements from 17oo until today. In addition, the products used are all natural and water-soluble.
The writings and messages collected, which refer to political formations or trends, cultural and musical movements, as well as others, deeply represent the culture of the last several decades through their differentiation into groups and their relative sense of belonging. This is a pure analysis of the spontaneous communication of the city, without forgetting their relationship with magic, and the invisible and the mythological which is contained in the intangible and poetic heritage of the DNA of every place.
The exhibition is open to the public without charge and will remain open from December 6th to 17th 2011, from 10.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m., Tuesdays to Fridays, and from 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. on Saturdays.
On completion of the project there will be a December 14th at 5 p.m. a public meeting, "Urban communication, words, objects, behaviours and writings on the walls" with the partecipation of:
Christina Kreps - University of Denver Francesco Morace - Futureconceptlab Renzo di Renzo - Heads Collective Daniele Pario Perra - Anarchetiquette Roberta Waldbaum - University of Denver that will take place at the Auditorium Enzo Biagi of the Salaborsa Library in Bologna
Contributors and partners
Il progetto Anarchetiquette Bologna e' finanziato dalla Fondazione Carisbo, con il supporto di: University of Denver, The Confluence Project, Platteforum, Museum of Contemporary Art Denver, Colorado Creative Industries, Denver Office of Cultural Affairs, the Fox Family, JP Morgan Chase, Daniel Lincoln & Mark Watts, National Endowment for the Arts, Riverfront Park Community Foundation, the citizens of the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District, City of Denver, e la collaborazione di: Comune di Bologna, Biblioteca Salaborsa, Urban Center Bologna, Noordkaap Foundation and Farm Cultural Park, Tu Delft University, Galleria Carta Bianca, Rewriting.
press contact:
Elena Bellistracci
Dimension n
ph: 39 3357062676
The exhibition, "Anarchetiquette - graffiti and words to read, preserve and understand", curated by Daniele Pario Perra together with Christina Kreps and Roberta Waldbaum from the University of Denver and the Centro Internazionale per l'Impegno Civico, will be presented on December the 6th at the Urban Center of the Salaborsa Library in Bologna.
The exhibition, "Anarchetiquette - graffiti and words to read, preserve and understand", explores spontaneous communication by clearing away and preserving the graffiti, symbols and writings before the demolition of the relative buildings or the restoration of the surfaces where they are located. The exhibition is the final event of the Fresco Removal workshops, public actions where members of a community are taught how to remove writing or symbols of graffiti that are considered exemplar and how to tranfer them onto canvas in order to preserve them forever. The project participants collect and preserve the authentic communications, which are not filtered by the media, in their own communities, preserving this intangible heritage as a demonstration of collective thought. The workshop, together with the exhibition, has had more than thirty public and free editions in different cities throughout Europe and in the United States, where there has been a collection of hundreds of symbols and graffiti. The removal of the messages is done through a technique of tearing, which thanks to the laying of natural glue and gauze on the surface allows the removal of a few millimeters of plaster and the subsequent laying on canvas. This method has been used since the Roman Age, with relevant and constant technical improvements from 17oo until today. In addition, the products used are all natural and water-soluble.
The writings and messages collected, which refer to political formations or trends, cultural and musical movements, as well as others, deeply represent the culture of the last several decades through their differentiation into groups and their relative sense of belonging. This is a pure analysis of the spontaneous communication of the city, without forgetting their relationship with magic, and the invisible and the mythological which is contained in the intangible and poetic heritage of the DNA of every place.
The exhibition is open to the public without charge and will remain open from December 6th to 17th 2011, from 10.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m., Tuesdays to Fridays, and from 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. on Saturdays.
On completion of the project there will be a December 14th at 5 p.m. a public meeting, "Urban communication, words, objects, behaviours and writings on the walls"
with the partecipation of:
Christina Kreps - University of Denver
Francesco Morace - Futureconceptlab
Renzo di Renzo - Heads Collective
Daniele Pario Perra - Anarchetiquette
Roberta Waldbaum - University of Denver
that will take place at the Auditorium Enzo Biagi of the Salaborsa Library in Bologna
graffiti e parole da leggere, conservare e capire / graffiti and words to read, preserve and understand
6-17 dicembre 2011
Urban Center Bologna - Biblioteca Salaborsa
Piazza Nettuno, 3 Bologna
mar - ven 10-20 / sab 10-19
Opening martedi' 6 dicembre 2011 - ore 18.00
La mostra "Anarchetiquette - graffiti e parole da leggere, conservare e capire" curata da Daniele Pario Perra, con la collaborazione di Christina Kreps e Roberta Waldbaum della University of Denver e il Centro Internazionale di Impegno Civico, inaugura martedi' 6 dicembre p.v. presso l'Urban Center Bologna.
La mostra "Anarchetiquette - graffiti e parole da leggere, conservare e capire" esplora la comunicazione spontanea rimuovendo e preservando graffiti, simboli e scritte sui muri prima dell'abbattimento degli edifici o del restauro delle superfici su cui sono posti. La mostra e' l'evento espositivo e finale dei workshop Fresco Removal, azioni pubbliche in cui si insegna agli abitanti di una comunita' come rimuovere graffiti di testo o simboli ritenuti esemplari e la loro successiva posa su tela al fine di conservarli per sempre. I partecipanti raccolgono e conservano le comunicazioni autentiche, non filtrate dai media, nella propria comunita', preservando questo patrimonio intangibile come manifestazione del pensiero collettivo. Il workshop, accompagnato dalla mostra, ha avuto piu' di trenta edizioni pubbliche e gratuite, in diverse citta' tra l'Europa e gli Stati Uniti, in cui sono state raccolte centinaia di simboli e scritte sui muri. L'asportazione dei messaggi avviene attraverso la tecnica dello strappo, che grazie alla posa di colla naturale e garza sulla superficie consente la rimozione di pochi millimetri di intonaco e la successiva posa su tela. Il metodo e' conosciuto fin dal tempo dei romani, con un perfezionamento tecnico rilevante e costante dal '700 ad oggi, e i prodotti utilizzati sono tutti naturali e idrosolubili.
Le scritte sui muri e i messaggi raccolti, riconducibili a formazioni o tendenze politiche, movimenti culturali, musicali ed altri, rappresentano profondamente la cultura degli ultimi decenni attraverso la differenziazione per gruppi e il relativo senso di appartenenza. Un'analisi pura della comunicazione spontanea della citta'senza dimenticare il rapporto con il magico, l'invisibile e il mitologico, che il DNA di ogni luogo racchiude nel proprio patrimonio intangibile e poetico.
La mostra a ingresso libero rimarra' aperta dal 6 al 17 dicembre 2011 nei giorni feriali, dalle 10.00 alle 20.00, dal martedi' al venerdi' e il sabato, dalle 10.00 alle 19.
A completamento del progetto avra' luogo nella giornata del 14 dicembre, alle ore 17 l'Incontro Pubblico, "La comunicazione (urbana), parole, oggetti, comportamenti - e scritte sui muri" a cui interverranno: Kristina Kreps - Universita' di Denver Francesco Morace - Futureconceptlab Renzo di Renzo - Heads Collective Daniele Pario Perra - Anarchetiquette
Roberta Waldbaum - Universita' di Denver
che si terra' presso l'Auditorium Enzo Biagi della BibliotecaSalaborsa di Bologna
The exhibition, Anarchetiquette - graffiti and words to read, preserve and understand", curated by Daniele Pario Perra together with Christina Kreps and Roberta Waldbaum from the University of Denver and the Centro Internazionale per l'Impegno Civico, will be presented on December the 6th at the Urban Center of the Salaborsa Library in Bologna.
The exhibition, "Anarchetiquette - graffiti and words to read, preserve and understand", explores spontaneous communication by clearing away and preserving the graffiti, symbols and writings before the demolition of the relative buildings or the restoration of the surfaces where they are located. The exhibition is the final event of the Fresco Removal workshops, public actions where members of a community are taught how to remove writing or symbols of graffiti that are considered exemplar and how to tranfer them onto canvas in order to preserve them forever. The project participants collect and preserve the authentic communications, which are not filtered by the media, in their own communities, preserving this intangible heritage as a demonstration of collective thought. The workshop, together with the exhibition, has had more than thirty public and free editions in different cities throughout Europe and in the United States, where there has been a collection of hundreds of symbols and graffiti. The removal of the messages is done through a technique of tearing, which thanks to the laying of natural glue and gauze on the surface allows the removal of a few millimeters of plaster and the subsequent laying on canvas. This method has been used since the Roman Age, with relevant and constant technical improvements from 17oo until today. In addition, the products used are all natural and water-soluble.
The writings and messages collected, which refer to political formations or trends, cultural and musical movements, as well as others, deeply represent the culture of the last several decades through their differentiation into groups and their relative sense of belonging. This is a pure analysis of the spontaneous communication of the city, without forgetting their relationship with magic, and the invisible and the mythological which is contained in the intangible and poetic heritage of the DNA of every place.
The exhibition is open to the public without charge and will remain open from December 6th to 17th 2011, from 10.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m., Tuesdays to Fridays, and from 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. on Saturdays.
On completion of the project there will be a December 14th at 5 p.m. a public meeting, "Urban communication, words, objects, behaviours and writings on the walls" with the partecipation of:
Christina Kreps - University of Denver Francesco Morace - Futureconceptlab Renzo di Renzo - Heads Collective Daniele Pario Perra - Anarchetiquette Roberta Waldbaum - University of Denver that will take place at the Auditorium Enzo Biagi of the Salaborsa Library in Bologna
Contributors and partners
Il progetto Anarchetiquette Bologna e' finanziato dalla Fondazione Carisbo, con il supporto di: University of Denver, The Confluence Project, Platteforum, Museum of Contemporary Art Denver, Colorado Creative Industries, Denver Office of Cultural Affairs, the Fox Family, JP Morgan Chase, Daniel Lincoln & Mark Watts, National Endowment for the Arts, Riverfront Park Community Foundation, the citizens of the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District, City of Denver, e la collaborazione di: Comune di Bologna, Biblioteca Salaborsa, Urban Center Bologna, Noordkaap Foundation and Farm Cultural Park, Tu Delft University, Galleria Carta Bianca, Rewriting.
press contact:
Elena Bellistracci
Dimension n
ph: 39 3357062676
The exhibition, "Anarchetiquette - graffiti and words to read, preserve and understand", curated by Daniele Pario Perra together with Christina Kreps and Roberta Waldbaum from the University of Denver and the Centro Internazionale per l'Impegno Civico, will be presented on December the 6th at the Urban Center of the Salaborsa Library in Bologna.
The exhibition, "Anarchetiquette - graffiti and words to read, preserve and understand", explores spontaneous communication by clearing away and preserving the graffiti, symbols and writings before the demolition of the relative buildings or the restoration of the surfaces where they are located. The exhibition is the final event of the Fresco Removal workshops, public actions where members of a community are taught how to remove writing or symbols of graffiti that are considered exemplar and how to tranfer them onto canvas in order to preserve them forever. The project participants collect and preserve the authentic communications, which are not filtered by the media, in their own communities, preserving this intangible heritage as a demonstration of collective thought. The workshop, together with the exhibition, has had more than thirty public and free editions in different cities throughout Europe and in the United States, where there has been a collection of hundreds of symbols and graffiti. The removal of the messages is done through a technique of tearing, which thanks to the laying of natural glue and gauze on the surface allows the removal of a few millimeters of plaster and the subsequent laying on canvas. This method has been used since the Roman Age, with relevant and constant technical improvements from 17oo until today. In addition, the products used are all natural and water-soluble.
The writings and messages collected, which refer to political formations or trends, cultural and musical movements, as well as others, deeply represent the culture of the last several decades through their differentiation into groups and their relative sense of belonging. This is a pure analysis of the spontaneous communication of the city, without forgetting their relationship with magic, and the invisible and the mythological which is contained in the intangible and poetic heritage of the DNA of every place.
The exhibition is open to the public without charge and will remain open from December 6th to 17th 2011, from 10.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m., Tuesdays to Fridays, and from 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. on Saturdays.
On completion of the project there will be a December 14th at 5 p.m. a public meeting, "Urban communication, words, objects, behaviours and writings on the walls"
with the partecipation of:
Christina Kreps - University of Denver
Francesco Morace - Futureconceptlab
Renzo di Renzo - Heads Collective
Daniele Pario Perra - Anarchetiquette
Roberta Waldbaum - University of Denver
that will take place at the Auditorium Enzo Biagi of the Salaborsa Library in Bologna
dicembre 2011
Anarchetiquette – graffiti e parole da leggere, conservare e capire
Dal 06 al 17 dicembre 2011
arte contemporanea
Bologna, Piazza Del Nettuno, 3, (Bologna)
Bologna, Piazza Del Nettuno, 3, (Bologna)
Orario di apertura
mar - ven 10-20 / sab 10-19
6 Dicembre 2011, ore 18
Sito web