16 ottobre 2000

Until the 3rd.XI.2000 Sandro Botticelli painter of the Divine Commedy Rome, Scuderie papali

On exposition in the Scuderie Papali there is an extrordinary competition: on one hand the powerful expressivity of Dante'language, on the other hand the evocative poetry of Botticelli's images...


Botticelli’illustrations are ninety two: eighty five are owned by the berlinese collection of Kupferstichkabinett, and seven to the library of the Vatican.
The exposition collects these illustrations for the first time, so it gives a clear idea of who Botticelli was as an illustrator. It is an aspect of its activity, wich few people know.
Botticelli is the autor of a huge graphic work, full of little, unforgettable characters: from devils and monsters, wich today we look at with curiosity and amusement, to the most beautiful Beatrice, as Venus in Dante’Paradise.
The illustrations are differently accomplished, only a few are coloured and the majority of them are in black and white. By the way, the rythm of the story is very involving. It is fast, made by flashes in the representation of the Hell, and very elaborated to describe the Paradise.
At the same way, Dante’s language changes and evolves to a “sublime” style, from the Hell to the Heaven.
The exposition, differently from the one wich was in Berlin the last year, permits also to have a view of Florence in the fifteen Century, through important paintings by Botticelli himself, manuscripts, documents and portraits. So the public can have an idea of the educated and fine society in Florence under Lorenzo il Magnifico, also thanks to a beautiful collection of drawings by great artists of the time: Filippo Lippi, Pollaiolo, Ghirlandaio, Verrocchio and also Leonardo.
So, we really appreciated the exposition, and also its organisation and security.

English version by Simona Piselli

“Sandro Botticelli pittore della Divina Commedia”, 20.IX – 3.XII 2000, Scuderie Papali al Quirinale, via XXIV Maggio 16; lun., mart., merc., dom. 10-20, giov., ven., sab. 10-23; biglietto intero L. 15.000, ridotto 10.000; catalogo Skira; prenot. e info. 06.39967500 o 06.696271



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